

Références sélectionnées

  • ACHA PN, SZYFRES B. Zoonoses et maladies transmissibles communes à l ’homme et aux animaux, 2 ed., OIE:Paris, 1989, 1063pp.
  • An update on zoonosesP.P. Pastoret; EdScientific and Technical Review of the Office International des Epizooties, 2000, 19 (1).
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  • Contributing to One WorldOne Health*. A Strategic Framework for Reducing Risks of. Infectious Diseases at the.Animal–Human–Ecosystems Interface. Consultation Document. Produced by: THE WORLD BANK & UN System, 2008.
  • Emerging zoonoses and pathogens of public health concern. L.J. King; Ed. Scientific and Technical Review of the Office International des Epizooties, 2004, 23 (2).
  • European Union summary report on antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic and indicator bacteria from animals and food in the European Union in 2009. EFSA Journal 2011; 9(7):2154. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2011.2154.
  • FAO Expert Committee on Zoonoses. WHO Technical Report Series #169, 1959.
  • FAO/WHO/OIE electronic conference on veterinary public health and control of zoonoses in developing countries: summary of comments and discussions, 2001.
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  • One Health. William B. Karesh, Ed. Scientific and Technical Review of the Office International des Epizooties 2014, 33 (2).
  • The World Bank. People, Pathogens and Our Planet. Vol. 1: Towards a One Health Approach for Controlling Zoonotic Diseases. Report No.50833-GLB. Washington,DC, 2010.
  • Union Summary Report on antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic and indicator bacteria from humans, animals and food in the Veterinary Public Health. Revue scientifique et Technique, 1991, 10(4), 1992, 11(1), 1997, 16(2), 2000,19(1).
  • Zoonoses. The Lancet series. 2012, Vol. 380.